Family Karma season 3 aired a brand new episode on Sunday, December 18, 2022, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. The one-hour episode documented cast members as they attended Amrit and Nicholas' joint bachelor party. While some had a great time, others addressed pressing issues that involved serious conversations, leading to a lot of drama throughout the episode.
On this week's episode of Family Karma, Richa spoke up about her issues with Vishal's drinking with their respective parents. The couple also opened up about her canceling the marriage license appointment because of his behavior. Her mother, Lopa, or as viewers know her, Lopa Aunty, confronted Vishal and said that he wasn't a child to behave that way.
Fans, however, slammed Lopa for constantly complaining about Vishal. One tweeted:
Season 3 of the series has been extremely popular among viewers. Cast members include Vishal Parvani, Richa Sadana, Amrit Kapai, Anisha Ramakrishna, Bali Chainani, Brian Benni, Monica Vaswani, and Rish Karam. Throughout the course of the season, the cast provides viewers with quality content.
The official synopsis of the Family Karma episode, titled, The Dysfunctional Dinner, reads:
"Vishal must shape up to save his marriage to Richa; a family dinner with their mums gets awkward; Monica questions Rish's lack of commitment; Avni hits the brakes on her flirtation with Brian."Tonight's episode of Family Karma documented a lot of tension between Vishal and Richa's family. At the beginning of the episode, the former opened up to his mother about issues that persisted with the couple. During the conversation, the star had some tough realizations that he needed to work towards.
Vishal had previously lied to Richa about his drinking problems. At their wedding, he kept drinking against the advice of his wife or her mother. This led to him passing out at his best friend Amrit's place instead of spending the night with Richa. This evoked a stern reaction from Richa as she refused to sign the marriage license until he corrected his behavior.
The Family Karma star, however, kept drinking while he was in a social circle and didn't tell Richa about it. The latter found out about the same from Amrit, who confessed to Vishal drinking alcohol while having brunch with him. Richa then confronted her husband on the same and clarified that she won't be legally married until he stops lying and drinking.
On this week's episode, Vishal and his parents invited Richa and her mother Lopa for dinner. While on their way, the mother-daughter pair were seemingly nervous about the upcoming chain of events. During dinner, Richa opened up about the couple's issues with Vishal's father.
Vishal, however, felt that Richa was stressing his father out, but she maintained that she was doing all of that just to make him understand that consuming alcohol could ruin his heath, considering he was suffering from Crohn's disease. He then revealed that Richa had canceled the appointment for a marriage license.
Richa's mother, Lopa, was shocked at the unexpected turn of events and made her disappointment towards Vishal and his drinking habits clear on Family Karma. She said:
"Vishal, it's been ten years...Listen, listen, listen, listen...You're not a child anymore then why does she [Richa] have to put a card on your head. You should be mature enough to say [you're not going to drink]."Fans slammed Lopa for her constant complaints towards Vishal. Check out what they have to say.
Season 3 of Family Karma has been interesting with each passing episode. As the season progresses, more dynamics will be explored that will lead to more conflicts, gossip, arguments and confrontations. Viewers will have to stay tuned to find out what's in store for them.
Don't forget to tune in to a brand-new episode Sunday, January 1, 2023, as the Bravo show goes on a brief break for Christmas and New Year.
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